
CEMeNT Field of view map

2D representation of the fields of view (FOV) of cameras included in the CEMeNt network at an altitude of 100 km above the Earth’s surface. All operational stations are included, with the FHD camera fields of view marked in green and the PAL camera fields of view marked in blue.


Station Valašské Meziříčí
CZ 4x HD cameras

Valašské Meziříčí

The Valašské Meziříčí station, located in the grounds of the Valašské Meziříčí Observatory, currently features four wide-field survey systems and four high-resolution spectrographs. The wide-field systems are equipped with analog FHD cameras with Sony Starvis IMX327 chips (resolution 1920 × 1080 px), while the spectrographs use three monochrome CMOS cameras PointGrey Grasshoper3 GS3-U3-32S4M-C (2048 × 1536 px) and one monochrome CMOS camera QHYIII-178 M (3072 × 2048 px). The actual resolution of the recorded meteor spectrum (1st order spectrum) averages 0.48 nm/px for the PointGrey cameras and 0.36 nm/px for the QHYIII camera. Both wide-field systems and spectrographs are oriented SE, SW, NE, and NW, thus covering practically the entire sky.

Station Vsetín
CZ 1x HD camera


The Vsetín station, located in the grounds of the Vsetín Observatory, features one wide-field survey system equipped with an analog FHD camera with a Sony Starvis IMX327 chip (resolution 1920 × 1080 px). The camera is oriented eastward and complements the comprehensive system at the Valašské Meziříčí Observatory. The station was reopened in November 2023 after prolonged technical issues.

Station Maruška
CZ 2x HD cameras


The Maruška station, located in the grounds of the ČHMÚ (Czech Hydrometeorological Institute) measuring station, features two wide-field survey systems equipped with analog FHD cameras with Sony Starvis IMX327 chips (resolution 1920 × 1080 px). The cameras are oriented SE and SW, complementing the comprehensive system at the Valašské Meziříčí Observatory. The station was reopened after cable reconstruction in February 2024, following prolonged technical issues.

Station Štípa
CZ 1x HD camera


The Štípa station, located on private property in the village of Štípa near Zlín, is equipped with one wide-field survey system with an analog FHD camera featuring a Sony Starvis IMX327 chip (resolution 1920 × 1080 px). The camera is oriented southward and complements the comprehensive system at the Valašské Meziříčí Observatory. The station has been operational since January 2024, and the station operator is Richard Káčerek.

Station Ždánice
CZ 2x HD cameras


The Ždánice station, located on the grounds of the Ždánice Observatory, is equipped with two wide-field survey systems with analog FHD cameras featuring Sony Starvis IMX327 chips (resolution 1920 × 1080 px). The cameras are oriented north and east and complement the comprehensive system at the Valašské Meziříčí Observatory. The east-facing camera has been operational since August 2022, while the north-facing camera was activated in November 2023.

Station Pardubice
CZ 2x HD cameras


The Pardubice station, located on the grounds of the Pardubice Observatory, is equipped with two wide-field survey systems with analog FHD cameras featuring Sony Starvis IMX327 chips (resolution 1920 × 1080 px). The cameras are oriented northeast and southeast, complementing the comprehensive system at the Valašské Meziříčí Observatory. The station has been operational since November 2024.

Station Karlovy Vary
CZ 3x SD cameras

Karlovy Vary

The Karlovy Vary station, located on the grounds of the Karlovy Vary Observatory, is equipped with three wide-field survey systems, which include two analog cameras Watec 902H2 (720 × 576 px) and one KPF 131 HR camera (720 × 576 px). The cameras are oriented south, east, and west, with the main share of multi-station meteors originating from combinations with the Plzeň and Rokycany stations.

Station Plzeň
CZ 1x SD camera


The Plzeň station, located on the grounds of the Plzeň Observatory, is equipped with one wide-field survey system featuring an analog KPF 131 HR camera (720 × 576 px). The camera is oriented northwest and complements the system at the Karlovy Vary Observatory.

Station Rokycany
CZ 1x SD camera


The Rokycany station, located on the grounds of the Rokycany Observatory, is equipped with one wide-field survey system featuring an analog KPF 131 HR camera (720 × 576 px). The camera is oriented westward and complements the system at the Karlovy Vary Observatory.

Station Blahová
SK 4x SD cameras


The Blahová station is located at the private UMA Observatory, owned by Tibor Csörgei. The station is equipped with four wide-field survey systems fitted with analog KPF 131 HR cameras (720 × 576 px). The cameras are oriented east, southeast, and north, allowing the pairing of single-station meteors with stations in the CEMeNt network and also with stations in the Hungarian HMN network (Hungary Meteor Network, Magyar Hullócsillagok Egyesulet).

Station Partizánske
SK 2x SD cameras


The Partizánske station, located on the grounds of the Partizánske Observatory, is equipped with two wide-field survey systems fitted with analog Watec 902 H2 Ultimate cameras (720 × 576 px). The cameras are oriented northeast and northwest, complementing the comprehensive system at the Valašské Meziříčí Observatory. The station was reopened in November 2023 after prolonged technical issues.

Station Jablonec
SK 1x SD camera


The Jablonec station, located on private property in the village of Jablonec near Trnava, is equipped with one wide-field survey system fitted with an analog Watec 902 H camera (720 × 576 px). The camera is oriented northward, complementing the comprehensive system at the Valašské Meziříčí Observatory. The station has been operational since February 2024, and its operator is Jakub Kapuš.

Station Kysucké Nové Mesto
SK 1x SD camera

Kysucké Nové Mesto

The Kysucké Nové Mesto station, located on the grounds of the Kysucké Nové Mesto Observatory, is equipped with one wide-field survey system fitted with an analog Watec 902 H2 Ultimate camera (720 × 576 px). The camera is oriented westward, complementing the comprehensive system at the Valašské Meziříčí Observatory. The station has been operational since March 2024.

Station Zvolenská Slatina
SK 1x SD camera

Station Zvolenská Slatina

The Zvolenská Slatina station is located at the private Júlia Observatory, owned by doc. RNDr. Vladimír Bahýľ, DrSc. The station is equipped with a single wide-angle survey system, featuring an analog KPF 131 HR camera (720 × 576 px). The camera is oriented towards the southeast, and for this reason, single-station meteors are mainly paired with stations of the Hungarian Meteor Network (HMN, Magyar Hullócsillagok Egyesület).
