Jasný bolid 21. 11. 2024 nad střední Moravou
Bolid 20241121_012505 byl zaznamenán kamerami sítě CEMeNt dne 21. 11. 2024 v 01h 25m 05,3 ± 0,1s UT. V rámci sítě CEMeNt (Central European MetEor NeTwork) byl bolid zaznamenán přímo na pěti širokoúhlých kamerách (Obr. 1-5). Záznam letu bolidu je k dispozici ze stanic Valašské Meziříčí NW a W (CZ, Hvězdárna Valašské Meziříčí), Ždánice E a N (CZ, Hvězdárna Ždánice) a Jablonec N (SK, Jakub Kapuš).
Atmospheric Path, Radiant, and Heliocentric Orbit of the Fireball
To calculate the atmospheric trajectory of the fireball and the meteoroid’s orbit in the Solar System, recordings from the stations Valašské Meziříčí (NW and W), Ždánice (E and N), and Jablonec N were utilized. The recordings were made with the program UFO Capture, analyzed with UFO Analyzer, and the atmospheric and heliocentric trajectories were calculated using UFO Orbit.
- The beginning of the atmospheric trajectory was projected east of the village Vidče (CZ), south of Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, at an altitude of 137.0 km.
- The end of the trajectory was projected to the southern outskirts of Olomouc (CZ) at an altitude of 88.3 km (Figure 6).
- The fireball reached an absolute brightness of -5.7m and traveled a distance of 80.7 km through the Earth’s atmosphere in 1.2 seconds.
Key Characteristics of the Fireball
- Entry Angle: 37.1°, almost ideal.
- Pre-Atmosphere Velocity: 72.19 km/s.
- Geocentric Velocity: 71.08 km/s.
- Meteor Shower Association: Leonids (IUA MDC 0013 LEO).
- Orbit: The object followed an elongated retrograde orbit (Figure 7) with:
- High eccentricity (e = 0.932)
- High inclination to the ecliptic plane (i = 163.56°)
- Perihelion distance (q = 0.9872 AU)
The object originated from a cometary body, with its parent body being the long-period comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle.